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The Connacht Clan is the Official Connacht Rugby Supporters Club, a community of Connacht Rugby fans who attend matches, travel to away games, organise events and discuss rugby together.

Membership is valid for the duration of the 2024/2025 season.

Forum Guest User


This is a Guest account that allows the user to post in the public areas of the Clan Forum.

This is ideal for away fans who want to interact with our members on the forum, or for people who want to make a comment or ask a question without joining the Clan.

Corporate Member


Corporate Membership is the ideal way for your business to show its support for the Connacht Clan.

For just €100 your company logo will appear on our home page with a direct link to your website. A brief description of your business will also appear on our sponsors page and you will be entitled to display the Connacht Clan Corporate Member logo on your website.

Connacht Clan Member 24/25

